Non Lucrative Residence Visa

Spain Non-Lucrative Residence Visa
Under the provisions of the Organic law 4/2000 approved by the Spanish Royal Decree 557/2011 of 20 April (articles 45 to 49)

  • This contents for indicative purposes only and in accordance with what is stipulated in the applicable legislation upon application.

It is a residence permit only [without work] which does not qualify the holder to work under a business or employment contract but entitles the holder to live in Spain depending on his own financial sources that he receives from the country of residence or his home country by making remittances and deposits during his stay from his account in the country of residence to his account in Spain.

Targeted Group:

  • Businessmen, traders, and investors who want to settle and live with their families in Spain. (Favored over the age of 40) (or those who are younger, and all conditions apply to them as the law does not specify a particular age group).
  • Retire people [Proof of receipt of a pension and/or proof of source of income through a commercial company]
  • General managers (top salaried).

Benefits enjoyed by the holder of this residence:

  • This residence gives the holder and his family the opportunity to live in Spain, and by this way will save the waiting time, and restrictions on tourist, or commercial visa applications are avoided and the holder will have the same rights enjoyed by EU citizens during his residence period.
  • This residence gives the holder free movement between EU countries entering the Schengen

convention without any restrictions and gives the owner the freedom to own and purchase real estates, lands, cars, and other movable and immovable funds in Spain same as Spanish citizens.

  • After obtaining the residence card you can show your residence card at any European airport without the need for any previous visa on the passport.
  • You can at the same time add your family members to your file, no matter how old they are, and submit  their files with you.
  • Children between the ages of 6 and 16 can be enrolled in the compulsory education of Spanish schools and adult children can attend universities with Spanish and European students after they have finished high school.
  • The holder can reside in any EU country for a period of 90 days, and if the holder wishes to remain for more than this period, the local authorities of the country in which he wishes to remain must be notified with a statement of why he or she remains in that country. after obtaining a permanent residence permit, you can live permanently in any European country.
  • The holder of the residence permit is entitled to apply for Spanish nationality after 10 years of continuous residence in Spain, but to be entitled must pass a Spanish language A2 (elementary level) exam and a general culture exam.

Validity of residence cards:

The first card is valid for one year, after which the first card is renewed with a second two-year card,

and the second card is renewed with a third two-year card, after which the third card is renewed with a fourth five-year card that considered as a permanent residence card.

Where to Apply: Spanish Embassy in the country of residence or other country within the jurisdiction.

General Conditions to qualify for this residence permit:

  1. Not to be a citizen of the European economic space or the Swiss economic space or to be a relative of the citizens of these countries to which the EU citizen system applies
  2. He should not have been present irregularly in Spanish territory.
  3. to be not sentenced to a misdemeanor or felony and with good conduct for Spain and in the countries where he previously resided during the last five years.
  4. the applicant shall not be denied entering to the European Union or be an objectionable person to enter the space of the countries that have concluded an agreement with Spain in this regard.
  5. to have sufficient financial means to bear his expenses during his stay in Spain, and if he applies for the family to bear for his own personal expenses along with his family expenses according to the following minimum values:
  6. To prove that he can support himself at a rate of 400% of IPREM for the year 2021 (General Income Index for Multiple Purposes 565 Euros/Month). That’s mean the monthly income to proof will be as minimum (2260) euros for the family lord or the sole individual (2260) Euros/Month. annual minimum income should not be less than 27120.00 euros/year
  7. To prove that they can support each family member at a rate of 100% of IPREM for the year 2021 (General Income Index for Multiple Purposes 565 Euros/Month). annual minimum income to proof for each family member is 6780 euros.

Note: The main applicant must prove that he or she receives a regular income or revenues throughout the last year and as a minimum over a period of 3 months by submitting a (personal) statement and that these revenues are inherent in the activity of a company in which he or she is partner or manager. The company’s statement may also be provided as a financial support.

  1. Proof of owning of a property in the home country can be provided (enhances his solvency situation).
  2. To have regular public or private health insurance from an insurance company licensed to operate in Spain. (This is a requirement for the completion of the residence permit file, the interested party will (have to make a health insurance policy when applying the residence visa application
  3. To be free of diseases that can pose public health risks as stipulated in the 2005 by the World Health System. (We will provide you with the form adopted by the Spanish government and the Spanish Embassy in your country).
  4. The applicant must not previously deported and subjected to a trial under which he was placed under the pledge not to return to Spain.
  5. Payment of the residence permit fees and national visa fees (you are notified at the time of application)

Note: We will focus during the process on the financial aspect, where a person must have a very good financial standing or an excellent financial solvency and preferably have in his personal account two to three times of the amounts mentioned above.

It is advisable to provide financial statements of several personal bank accounts (if any).

non lucrative residence visa

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